My mission is to improve the management of in-flight medical emergencies and to reduce unscheduled landings

I have the expertise to consult airlines in up-to-date management of medical events on board, to avoid damage on health and to safe the lives of critical ill passengers. 

Medical emergencies may arise anytime during air travel. 5% of all commercial airline passengers may suffer from a chronic illness. Estimates of in-flight medical emergencies vary widely and many go unreported. Medical kits and equipment provided on board of commercial aircrafts are not standardised. There are no universal guidelines for the first aid training of flight attendants. Doctors, nurses or paramedics on board respond to in-flight medical emergencies in as low as 13% to a maximum of 75% of all reported cases. Many of these medical volunteers are not very experienced in advanced life support or are not familiar with the medication on board. Depending on the applicable law, the first-aid volunteer is not clearly covered by the air carrier's insurance. When a critical medical emergency occurs on board, a flight may have to be diverted to the closest suitable airport. This diversion involves tremendous cost to the air carrier and inconvenience to the other passengers on board. 

Management of in-flight medical emergencies needs to be optimized to save the lives of critical ill passengers and prevent unscheduled landings.

I offer

- Medical consulting and supervision of airline companies

- Auditing of management of in-flight medical emergencies

- Improvement of on-board emergency equipment

- Supervision of medical training of cabin crews

- Medical escort of individuals and group tours

- Medical care during events and congresses

My expertise

- Emergency physician on rescue helicopter, air ambulance and commercial airliners with patient transport compartment, stretcher and sitting patients in business class
(DRF German Air Ambulance / 1991-2011)

- Medical consulting of patients and medical advice for travelers

- Organisation and execution of international patient transports

- Assessment of fitness to fly for passengers

- Advising of pilots and cabin crew in case of a medical emergency in-flight on commecial airlines

(International SOS / 2002-2021)

My profile

Götz Trabert, MD

Career (in chronological order)

- Studies of human medicine and approbation at J. W. Goethe University / Frankfurt a.M, Germany

- Military services as troop physician, Engineer Battalion 320/ Koblenz-Metternich, Germany
- Specialist in anaesthesiology
at Klink am Eichert/ Goeppingen, Germany

- Humanitarian physician / Brazil

- Chairman of the non-profit association "FIBRA e.V."

- Instructor of emergency medicine / Recife, Brazil
- Emergency services for the German Red Cross / Karlsruhe, Germany

- Flight physician at German Air Rescue / Filderstadt, Germany

- Anaesthesist for Cambodian refugees for International Red Cross Geneve / Thailand

- Military physician in German Field Hospital Phnom Penh (UNTAC) / Cambodia

- Director of operations CARE Germany / Goma & Bukavu, Zaire

- Coordinating Doctor at International SOS / Germany

Language abilities

German: mother-tongue

English: fluent in written and spoken

Portuguese: good in written and spoken